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Online Job thru Odesk, Is it ok to tell us that we are hired the next day,manager said we didnt pass coz its clients discretion...

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Arresto Menor

hi, id like to ask a question regarding online jobs.
i meet a certain girl on facebook hiring agents for US client,
we talked about it thru skype august 8,2014, discussed terms and i agreed to b paid $2 per hour which is good. but she said that it was actually $3 and $1 wud be for her as recruiter/agency.

Arrangements were made and august 9,2014 10pm philippine time, we were introduced to a girl from baguio that was the manager and a certain gay that was the agency head, recording was requested coz face to face interview was postponed with the client.

after that,it was announced that we passed and was hired, conditions was made that we need to give at least 4 appointments per day for 2 days with pay, if we dont meet the requirements, they would take us off the project, we agreed.

Aug 10, 1pm was schedule for orientation, it was then moved to 7-8pm coz clients inavailability,,,  we waited, they required us to download softwares and set up our tools, they added us up in Odesk, accepted in their wing,in their team and iit was done and we waited for the client till 11am,,, after that they just cut us off...

they said that the client reviewed the recordings, and decided to
take us down,, no enough reason,validity etc... i have threads of our conversations.

question is, can we file a case thru dole? Can we demand damges of our time wasted coz they said were hired?

help plz..
take us down,,, no futher

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