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need your expert advise on education and work experience

3 posters

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Arresto Menor

Good eve po...
My friend po ako na need ng advise.
he didn't finish elementary but want to work for the family, so ngfalsify po cya ng documents..nakapagwork po cya at in the end napromote pa as technician at nging skilled po cya dun.after long years (10 years i think??)ngkaron na po cya ng chance n makatapos up to high school.ngaun gusto po nya mgapply ng migration, either new zealand or aussie..nguguluhan po cya kung panong gagawin nya. Work experience nya po ay up to 2009..then nkakuha lang po cya ng high school diploma ay 2012.
Paano pong pdeng gawin at mging consequence nito.


Arresto Menor

Hello po..pahingi nmn po ng advice regarding sa issue...


Reclusion Perpetua

USA, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are not fussy with regards to your work history records. So long as you have a real documents to show even it is obtained after your work experience.
Similarly with my colleague he works in a different field before and have the experience and then study in the USA then later on applied for migration but he was truthful with all his applications and he was granted a citizenship. So long as you don't submit the falsified documents you use before then everything should be alright!


Arresto Menor

Thanks po!! This is really a great help...


Arresto Menor

hello po, ano  po ang ibig sabihin ng UNENCUMBERED LOCAL FUNDS?


Reclusion Perpetua

Unencumbered means funds that are not tied up or otherwise claimed.

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