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Uncredited Payment For House Rent

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1Uncredited Payment For House Rent Empty Uncredited Payment For House Rent Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:48 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day lawyers.

I am renting an apartment and paying my rent to an assigned collector by the owner. He was issuing receipts before but sometimes delayed, so I did not have any doubt. Then the these past 3 months, I found out that he did not issue my payments to the owner and worse I don't have any receipt for 3 months. My neighbors also didn't have their receipts but some of them have him signed upon collecting their payment, which I didn't do because I trust him easily.

What kind of action am I suppose to do? I am thinking of having him blotter-ed or file a case. So what do you think of my chances?

Thank you.

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