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Robbed in the dormitory/pension

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1Robbed in the dormitory/pension Empty Robbed in the dormitory/pension Sun Jun 15, 2014 3:07 pm


Arresto Menor

I am renting a room in a pension/dormitory. last april 28, while I was working in a graveyard shift someone broke in and robbed my laptop and 21' flatscreen TV worth 30,000 and 17,000 respectively. the security guard in duty didn't notice the robbers passed by and took my things. (he usually sleeps in duty, all boarders can testify that and i got a picture that he sleeps while he is on duty) The owners told me that the security agency will pay for the things I lost. but the security agency wont pay me as they told me that they are not an insurance company to pay in such event. The owner told me that i can file a case against the agency, so first i filed it in barangay but the agency said they will only pay if mandated by the court.

since we don't have any contract with the agency, can i file a case against them directly? the owner (who is also a lawyer but lazy to take action) told me to file a case against her and she will file 3rd party liable to the agency. its quite a hassle and costly, in this situation is there a big chance i can win? what can I file against the owner? or agency?

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