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Arresto Menor

Hello everyone,

I am April from Negros Oriental and new in this forum.
How are you all?

Anyway, I am here to seek some legal advice about my son's birth certificate. I was unfortunately rape(embarrassing to admit), conceived and bear a son when I was 16. Since I was a minor, embarrassed and unprepared for the whole situation of having a child at a very young age, I did not know what to do nor what decision to make for me and my newborn. My mum and dad decided to claim my son as their own and me showing as his elder sister. One of their reasons was, in case my son get hospitalised as a very inevitable thing for infants and children,they can use their phil health to lessen the hospital cost. During that time, I have no idea what to do and I thought my parents decision was the the best thing to do for my son's own welfare as I was still a minor and no means to support him on my own, so I agreed with them besides in my little head, a paper thing won't make any difference... I thought that it will only just be in a piece paper and my son will still know me as his real mother. The problem just arises when I got married to a British man. I am soon to apply for my UK citizenship and the next plan is to get my son over here.......but the problem is his birth certificate as It appears there that he's just my brother and I cannot petition a brother to live permanently with me not unless if he is my dependent due to a disability. He just turned 7 years old last month and I want to get him before he reaches the age of 18.
What should I do? People said to re-register him...but as what I have read on this forum, people have problems because of dual entries of their birth certificates(first and late registration) in which the first registration can only be recognised or can be issued. If I will file a petition to change the parents name of the child in a birth certificate, how long would it take and how much would it cost me?

I hope anyone (LAWYER) can give me some advice on here regarding this issue...

Thank you very much in advance.

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