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Birth certificate issue, help po.

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1Birth certificate issue, help po. Empty Birth certificate issue, help po. Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:44 pm


Arresto Menor


Good day po Smile Mag-ask lang po ako ng question, kasi yung birth certificate ko me kelangan ayusin and papa advise lang po sana kasi nag punta ako ng civil office kanina and me confirm lang po ako sa pwede makasagot dito.

• Mother's first name and middle name spelled wrong.
   - I was advised to provide all necessary documents like original b.cert ng mama ko, I'D's etc.

• I was born between 1988  - 2004 wherein requried gamitin yung surname ng mother but I'm using my father's surname since then.

   - What happened with this one is that, hindi po kasal yung parents ko, pero nakalagay sa birth certificate ko eh kasal sila on March 23, 1992. Tinanong ko yung lola ko and nilagay lang daw yun na kasal sila para magamit ko apelido ng father ko.

Sa bandng ilalim ng b.cert PSA copy yung may signature ang nakalagay na surname ni mama is yung surname ng father ko but dun sa taas na part ng b cert sa details ng mother ko name nya sa pag kadalaga gamit nya.

Kelangan pa po ba dumaan sa court nito para mawala yung married status nila sa birth cert ko? or certificate of no marriage lang po ng parents ko will do?

Maraming salamat po!


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