I have been working for a US owned company for 3 yrs now. Lately, I have been getting sick and was in-out of work due to frequency of checkups and some hospitalizations. My cardiologist told me that my condition is stress-induced and that it would help if I had the facility to work at home so she wrote a med cert stating the same. I gave this to the company and they wanted me to file a Medical leave instead of providing me a facility to work at home. I did not take that option since I will not have funds to support my sickness and that I can still work given my condition. Given that I cannot work at home, I tried my best to report for work. However, one day, I saw an email from a colleague of the same level who states that he will work at home bec his stomach is aching. I felt some discrimination given that mine is supported by a medcert and was not given consideration.
Few months after, I was able to recuperate and get back to the office. Since I am a salaried/exempt employee, I was under the impression that when I report at work from 6am-3pm and come out early (say 2pm), there is no need for me to file offsetting. This is because I still answer emails /office calls via mobile after this time.
I have 2 questions sir/madam,
1. If the company states that working at home is really not an option, shouldnt this be an option not available for ALL?
2. As a salaried/exempt employee, do I need to file offsetting of hours. Is it right that I get deductions from my salary if I do not render 8 hrs of work on a particular day at the office, but still render work after I leave?
Please advise. Thank you so much.