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hospital bills

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1hospital bills Empty hospital bills Mon Mar 10, 2014 3:06 am


Arresto Menor

Good evening po!

I need urgent advice po sana, please. Ganito po kasi,my brother was hospitalized po last june sa NKTI, he died on august po, tapos yung bill po namin umabot ng 1.8 m,ang balance na lang po namin ay 176k . ngun po pinapirma po ako jung hospital ng promisory n mgbayd po monthly ng 5k , pumirma naman po ako kasi ayaw nilang irelease yung death cert ng brother ko kung hindi mag promisory. ngayon po hindi ko naman mahulugan dahil part time plng po yung job ko, sumulat po sa akin na itransfer na sa collection agency yung utang. ayoko po sana umabot dun kasi usually yang mga collector na ganyan po nang haharass.
ang question ko po
1.macocomplain po ba ako dito?
2. may nabasa po kasi ako na hindi responsibility ng family yung credits nung namatay na family member maliban n lng kung asawa?
3.what's the best action po kaya dito?

please po. thanks you!

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