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Company's breach of contract/agreement.

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1Company's breach of contract/agreement. Empty Company's breach of contract/agreement. Sun Dec 08, 2013 12:09 am


Arresto Menor


Me and my wife requires your expertise. She was hired by a known BPO as a backoffice/chat support agent w/c means she is not obligated to use the phone or do calls and it's evem stated on her contract.

However, the company recently acquired a client that needs to take calls and their team was selected to do it. They don't do it often or rather they do it alternately every week and it's mandatory that they take the job even of it wasn't in their job description.

Is this considered as a breach my the company? If so, what can we do about it?

Voice have higher wage range compared to non-voice accounts yet they are paid for non-voice still since it was what she signed and stated on her JO.

Thanks in advance for the help.


Reclusion Perpetua

She should ask for a new contract. Kausapin nya kamo yung manager nya. otherwise, hindi dapat nya ginagawa yun.. mamaya sumabit pa sya don.. wala naman sya job description nya..



if you really want to elevate this, the legal remedy is to file a complaint at dole

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