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Breach of Contract/Lease Agreement

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1Breach of Contract/Lease Agreement Empty Breach of Contract/Lease Agreement Tue Jan 21, 2014 3:56 am


Arresto Menor

Hi, Im hoping you could help me with my problem.We signed a 1 year contract to rent an apartment.Supposed to be we should pay 2 months advance and 1 month deposit but we were able to convince the owner that we would pay it slowly.We gave a down payment of 7,500 on the second week of jan then told the owner we'd pay 7,500 again on jan 17.then on feb 2, another 7,500.On jan 15 we moved in to the apartment. signed the contract on jan 16 but we had issues with the house rules so we decided not to continue the contract on jan 18.our issue was about overnight stay of the was stated in the contract that it was ok but when we clarify it with the lessor she told us that they would not allow it.And we also learned that there's no submeter in water but they claimed we were informed about it the first time we talked.We believed they did not inform us about that because if they did, we would have not signed the contract.Overnight stay is very important because we have a baby and the parents of my partner could help watch the baby aside from the helper.they said they would only allow 1 partner gave the one month advance payment on jan 17 but we asked it from the owner on jan 18 because we decided not to continue the contract anymore because of the issues. they returned the 7,500 and at first they gave us 15 days to look for a new place to stay.after a few minutes they called said " u already signed the contract nman pala" and informed us that 7,500 (first payment) was forfeited and that we had to vacate immediately that day(jan 18). we continued looking for a house because we didnt want to make things worse na.we planned to leave the apt that same day.but when the mother of my partner tried to talk with them asking for a one month grace period(not our plan though because we already asked my friend that we'll stay at their place temporarily).the owner was so rude @ our mom and was shouting.we left the apt that same day.they even called the police but the police we're on our side and tried to explain that they cannot forced us to vacate immediately.but the owner would not listen.they said we pre-terminated the contract. They refused to give us the copy of the contract and the OR for the first payment so we did not return the key also.I would just like to ask some legal assistance.Do they have the right to force us to vacate immediately?We only stayed there for three days.We paid for a month of rental.can we press charges to them?how about them?can they press charges against us for the breach of contract?what are the worst case scenario?please advise.we went already to the barangay just for record purposes only.

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