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Extent of Legal Actions

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1Extent of Legal Actions Empty Extent of Legal Actions Mon Dec 02, 2013 10:27 pm


Arresto Menor

hi. i have signed a 3 year bond with 250K charges should i be resigning without finishing the 3yrs. I only reported for 6 days and decided to resign. I am not comfortable with their people handling and was not satisfied with the working environment which i felt would be a danger to my health.

1. They have not given me any in-house training for the last 6 days, i was only sitting at the office and observing their work. Will i be liable to the 250K bond?

2. I filed for resignation to take effect immediately. I know I have to serve 30 days notice but I couldn't anymore as I am not comfortable working with them. They texted me saying that they will file administrative charge against me. What do they mean with that?

3. Up to what extent of legal actions can they file against me?

Thanks for helping!

2Extent of Legal Actions Empty Re: Extent of Legal Actions Tue Dec 03, 2013 10:30 am


Reclusion Perpetua

since you already signed the contract with bond they could claim damages up to 250K. sana you talked to them and resigned baka pumayag pa sila i forfeit yung bond since bago pa lang naman..

3Extent of Legal Actions Empty Re: Extent of Legal Actions Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:22 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

The bond is enforceable but its up for the company to file suit against you. The court will have just rule that 250k is too big amount for 6 days without training. Eventually the claims will be reduced to small amount.

Reminders to our fellow employees and career movers:
Contract bond are being used by companies to compel their new hires to stay even with harsh conditions inside the employment environment. TAKE NOTE, if may bond assumed nyo na agad na hindi maganda ang company na inaaplayan nyo better declined at first pag alam nyo na may bond agad.

4Extent of Legal Actions Empty Re: Extent of Legal Actions Tue Dec 03, 2013 12:45 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

also find out the training involve if it is really worth the bond they are asking.. otherwise.. decline.

5Extent of Legal Actions Empty Re: Extent of Legal Actions Tue Dec 03, 2013 8:25 pm


Arresto Menor

Thank you for your replies. Yes, it was a lesson learned.. but the hard way for me. Will take note of that in the future. Thanks again!

6Extent of Legal Actions Empty awol/bond Fri Dec 06, 2013 10:12 pm


Arresto Menor

yesterday, i received a letter from them stating that i have to follow the 30 day notice or they will dismiss/terminate my employment with them due to abandonment of work.

1. will the 250K bond still be enforceable if they will terminate me? i have been reviewing the contract but can't find a statement that i will be liable to the bond if i'm terminated.


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