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Regular and Termination

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1Regular and Termination Empty Regular and Termination Sun Nov 17, 2013 9:56 pm


Arresto Menor

Sir, gusto ko lang po malinawan, after a year as employee considered regular na po ba? 5 years po ak s company. At sa contrata naka state na project base. Nag end po ak last Oct. At di napo ak nirenew sa walang sinabing dahilan, considered Termination po ba yun? Anu po ba dapat ko gawin? Salamat po ng marami.

2Regular and Termination Empty Re: Regular and Termination Tue Nov 19, 2013 11:39 am



to answer your question, was there really a specific project or part of that project that you were assigned to, and is it over?

3Regular and Termination Empty Re: Regular and Termination Tue Nov 19, 2013 5:05 pm


Arresto Menor

We are in sales, rentals and services sir but not assigned in specificproject. At every year lng kmi pinapasign ng contract. Ngaun di po aknarenew.

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