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Promissory note for the binding contract

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1Promissory note for the binding contract Empty Promissory note for the binding contract Wed Oct 16, 2013 11:51 pm


Arresto Menor

I was previously dismissed from my job, but given a chance to just make a voluntary resignation and the company accepted it. My problem is that i was in a binding contract, and i had to pay all costs made by the company tru the training program to me. To sum it up, it will cost up to 100k+. Question, can i make a promissory note to settle it in installment basis just to release my certificate of employment? because currently im working with a new company and it is a requirement.

HR Adviser

Reclusion Perpetua

If the company accepts your promissory note, and release your COE, then it would be good.


Reclusion Perpetua

Accordingly, COE is not a legal documents and you can not compel your previous to release one. Might as well request for your contributions records from SSS or pag-ibig that's a legal proof that you had worked in that company before. Just inform your current employer that you have pending obligations to your previous that's why COE is not possible at this time.


Arresto Menor

Thank you for the answers.

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