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Attendance Policy (tardiness)

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1Attendance Policy (tardiness) Empty Attendance Policy (tardiness) Tue Oct 08, 2013 5:27 am


Reclusion Temporal

Hi Atty,

Can our Account Manager and HR force us to sign an Attendance Policy which is exclusive to our department because of the habitual tardiness of some employees?
This attendance policy is specific and created only for our department only and not for the whole company since the company do not have attendance policy.

We do not want to sign since we are against it and we still have lots of questions and want some revisions on it. Can they impose the policy already even if we have not signed it yet? Can they force us to sign? and it this insubordination or our part?

Thank you.

2Attendance Policy (tardiness) Empty Re: Attendance Policy (tardiness) Tue Oct 08, 2013 10:22 am


Reclusion Perpetua

for as long as the company policy is fair and legal, then it should be valid.

3Attendance Policy (tardiness) Empty Re: Attendance Policy (tardiness) Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:03 pm


Reclusion Temporal

what is fair and legal for them may be unfair to us that is why i am asking the advice of attyLLL. if we have a say on the policy... thanks.

4Attendance Policy (tardiness) Empty Re: Attendance Policy (tardiness) Tue Oct 08, 2013 12:55 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

what is the policy?

5Attendance Policy (tardiness) Empty Re: Attendance Policy (tardiness) Tue Oct 08, 2013 9:19 pm


Reclusion Temporal

every accumulated 20mins late, 1st offense is written warning, then verbal, final warning, 1day suspension, 2days suspension then dismissal.

the duration is not even every month but every within 30 days after the day you got the penalty.

and mind you that our account is the only one who has that policy bec the company do not have a policy on attendance bec the general manager do not want to. we are not even sure if the GM is informed that hr and our account manager created one for us.

6Attendance Policy (tardiness) Empty Re: Attendance Policy (tardiness) Sun Oct 27, 2013 11:44 am


Reclusion Perpetua

Your section has been singled out then. Policy should be equal and observed by all levels in the organizations.

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