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Arresto Menor

Last 3 months I am working with my previous company with a fixed term contract after 3 months they renew me for 2 months with fixed term contract again. They temporarily replaced me to the general accountant because the GA was on maternity leave for two months but the same wage rate with my previous position. As an Accounting clerk all you have to do is prepare some payable, receivables, that we can say its just enough for a wage that they offer. But as a GA you have to do all those things but with an additional works like preparing for bank statement, income statement and to financial statement with an urgent deadline. They are not contented they make a new entry that they want me to revised all the BS,IS and FS from the start month of this present year with a deadline of 1 week. Honestly I have no idea on how to do it, so I ask the GA and inquire on how to do it but even the person that I temporarily replace don't have any idea on how to do it. I was so pressured at that time.  So I decided to find some job offer. Luckily, I was accepted and they need me ASAP so I automatically submit a resignation letter with effective immediately. They was so angry because they said that it should be two weeks before the effective date. But I ask them that I really have to be at my new employer because they needed me ASAP. Before that day end they still required me to finish the FS even though I have no idea on how to finish but still I tried. But my head department knows that I'm not coming back on the following day.

My problem now is this.  A friend of mine working also on that company told me that they are planning post on a newspaper and said that I am no longer connected with their company and i render AWOL? First question, Is it still considered AWOl even if I submitted a resignation letter to them? Secondly, are they allowed to post on newspaper stating that I AWOL from work coz its fine with me if they state that I no longer connected but they have not to put that Im AWOL from work? Thirdly, if ever they post it on newspaper that I AWOL from work can I also file a case against my employer coz they not allow me to have a clearance for me to able to get my 13th month and separation pay for 3 months of my service.

Thank you and hope you can give some clarifications on my doubtful mind.

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