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What is the Law Accepted Interest Rate on a Cash Loan with House & Lot Collateral?

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Arresto Menor

Hi Free Legal Advice Philippine Team!

I wanted to know on what is the legal interest rate on the case below:

1. My friend to give me his house and lot TCT as collateral in exchange that I will lend him a PHP100K cash.
2. Estimated House Lot Value is around PHP3.5M.
3. We are both willing to execute a notarized legal documents.
4. If in case at the worst scenario, I dont wan't to end up in the court later that the interest I imposed is not acceptable to Philippine Law.
5. We are both Filipinos of legal age located in Metro Manila.

Please advise.

Thanks and best regards,



Arresto Menor

Legal interest is 6% However, as long as the rate is not usurious - that is unreasonable ang interest rate --you can impose any interest rate as long as willing naman ang other party.


Arresto Menor

Addition: kailangan na yung stipulation for payment of interest in writing. That is, meron kayong promissory note or loan agreement. If Hindi in writing yung interest, di pwede mag impose ng interest

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