I need your advice on this situation:
X trusts Y on things.
X is always out of the country.
Y took advantage of this opportunity and executed an Absolute Deed of Sale of X’s car (selling it to himself).
Y forged X's signature on the documents.
Y successfully transferred the OR/CR of the vehicle under his name.
Y then sold the car to Z and transferred the OR/CR of the vehicle under Z's name.
X learned of the situation and then reported the vehicle as stolen.
X consequently filed a case against Y.
Y is now out of the country and there is a slim chance that he will be back.
Z does not want to return the car as he paid for it. X would not also let go of the car as he didn't sell it.
What could be Z's course of action in this case? The car is now in hiding as it is a hot item.
Thanks a lot!