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maria elizabeth

Arresto Menor

Good day,

    My husband and i were driving a borrowed car for our team activity when we were involved in a car accident at the inter-section of roxas blvd and tramo, airportport road area. The stop light suddenly stopped and we bumped the car ahead of us. the owner of the 2 cars asked us to pay for the damages. I brought the van that we were driving to my suki talyer but the car that we bumped asked that the car be brought to the nissan casa in bulacan. i agreed to them but i asked them that we passed by first to my suki talyer also for a second opinion.
    After that, we proceeded to the nissan casa in bulacan. they had the estimates done and said that original parts will be used since its a casa and the owner agreed that their car insurance be used since i dont have a car insurance and i dont have the money...its an insurance benefit anyway.
    I went back to manila and faced the owner of the van that i was driving and agreed that repairs be done in my suki talyer.
    Days passed, and i thank God that everything is going on peacefully. Until one day, the owner of the car grily called and said that i'm not making "asikaso" to their car. i asked them "why is that so". they said that second hand cover is being replaced in their car. i said, the casa said it will be original parts. i called the casa and asked them why this happened. they said, there is no available original parts. at first, the owner agreed already, then, they changed their mind and demanded that i should be looking for parts as well. in good faith, i started calling nissan other outlet but there is no compatible part at this point and time. the owners were such in a hurry to get their car back coz its been a while an the only thing thats hindering the process is the back cover thing. and so i suggested that repairs be done already and if we can find the original then replace it so that they can use their car already and they agreed already.
    the car was done perfectly as if nothing happen and on the day of the release i paid my participation fee.
    days passed and im thankful that its done with until yesterday the owner started calling again pestering me to produce the original. i didnt answered my phone coz i dont know what to say.

Sir, am i still liable in this. is it not the job of the casa to produce the quality materials that they want? thank you so much for helping me.


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