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Social media sites

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1Social media sites  Empty Social media sites Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:05 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi sirs/ ma'ams,

I just would like to know if it is rightful for a company to restrict what her employees post in their(employees') social media accounts. Like for example, can we air our grievances thru FB about what se feel are violations against our freedom of expression? Say I post something in my wall like "(Name of company I work for) won't allow us to have 2nd jobs when they aren't really paying us enough to be able to provide for all our families' needs". or something like "(company) won't even issue a valid and acceptable company i.d."( what they gave us apparently does not have the requirements for it to be an acceptable form of identification for purposes like "check encashment", etc. As it does not have the important details usually located at the back of the i.d., it's just blank. Please help and enlighten me.


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