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shared septic tank

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1shared septic tank Empty shared septic tank Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:16 am


Arresto Menor

I live in a townhouse that has a shared septic tank by the 4 properties and it is located on the land of the corner lot, this was all approved by city hall wen the properties were built about 12 years ago. The owner of the house has decided to build his own tank and told everyone else to do the same as he will close off the old one, he said "i will stand on what i believe is right"
He has only consulted the the home owners about this and says he has the barangay approval. I am not prepared or have the money to disrupt my house doing all the changes for a new tank, i have nowhere to park my car and 650cc motorbike, they can not be left in the street and need to be parked in my locked garage everyday, from what i read so far i believe he can not do this unless all parties sharing the tank agree. Please advise

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