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Fraud/Stealing money/Falsification/Estafa?

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1Fraud/Stealing money/Falsification/Estafa? Empty Fraud/Stealing money/Falsification/Estafa? Sun Aug 15, 2010 11:29 am


Arresto Menor

Me and my office mate resigned from work 6 months ago, the manager hates us so much that she refuses to sign our clearances. We knew then that we had an overpayment from supplier amounting to Php4,200 but in a form of gift certificate, we did falsify some documents to get it for that is the only way we could get a portion from our last pay. After two weeks of waiting the HR called us that we can now get our last pay for the manager had signed our clearance, so we were able to received our last pay then. Now after 6 months the manager finds out about the falsification of documents and for claiming the overpayment, we still have the GC now for we did not use it and it was expired already. One of the new employees called us and informed us about it, she said that the manager will file a case against us. I still didn't receive any formal notification from them to date and so this is what I wanted to know, based on the scenario above what kind of case they can file us? and will me and my ex office mate go to jail out of it?, can we just return the GCs or equivalent amount so that she will not press the charges? Please do help me, I am really confuse and worried here.



What documents did you falsify? How did the falsification of this documents prejudiced or damaged the company?


Arresto Menor

zulfikarl wrote:What documents did you falsify? How did the falsification of this documents prejudiced or damaged the company?

We used the purchase order that has already been used to other suppliers, and put the name of the manager in the approved by section, we didn't forge her signature though I just signed on her behalf (doing for).

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