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Loan Harassment Pls Help

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1Loan Harassment Pls Help Empty Loan Harassment Pls Help Fri Apr 26, 2013 6:32 am


Arresto Menor

Good Day!

I would like to seek your advice regarding loan harassment.

I took out a loan last year with them and religiously pays them twice a month via PDC, I was even given 2 more Top up loan due to tenor and good Payment but just recently I had some financial problems that prevented me from paying my responsibilities. I was not able to pay 8 days ago and too be honest I really don’t have the money to pay for it and I’m still looking for a way to settle it. But I was alarmed since my friends, relatives and co-workers receives calls and text advice address to me to pay may loan and that they are already coordinating with our Barangay and file a case against me. I Feel so harassed and humiliated I just received their text yesterday (they called and informed my references before me) and will call them about it.

Do they have a right to do that? I don’t have plans on ignoring my loan in fact I’m trying to find a way to pay for it pero hindi nako makapag trabaho o makatulog ng maayos kakaisip sa unsettled loan ko. My family and friends are texting me na araw araw silang tinatawagan at tinitext about my loan at kakasuhan na daw ako. Can they really do that? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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