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Credit Card Debt in the Philippines

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1Credit Card Debt in the Philippines Empty Credit Card Debt in the Philippines Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:22 pm


Arresto Menor

good day.

i have an inquiry lang po. may credit card debt po ako na hindi ko pa ma settle since wala na po talaga akong money to pay for it. almost a year na rin and I just lost my job and still looking for a better one. i will fly to dubai this coming august to visit sana my mother. ask ko lang if baka hindi ako makalusot sa immigration? or baka ma hold ako? is there a chance po ba masama ako sa HDO (hold departure order) due to my cc debt? inaayos na po ang visa ko and sa dubai sya manggagaling since my mother is my sponsor. natatakot po akong baka ma hold or hindi ako i approve ng immigration.

hope for you advice/reply. gusto ko sanang ma visit man lang ang mother ko kahit saglit lang. salamat in advance.

2Credit Card Debt in the Philippines Empty Re: Credit Card Debt in the Philippines Tue Apr 16, 2013 4:45 pm


Arresto Menor

and also, kukuha po sana ako ng NBI clearance para makapag apply. mag a appear kaya sa record ko na may credit card debt ako? please help po. ilang weeks ko na ring iniisip ang mga bagay na to, masakit na ang ulo ko Sad

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