At the start, we had a written 1 year contract. Back then my portion of the house's electricity was connected to a generous neighbor not to my tenant. At the end of our contract, I negotiated with my tenant that I be allowed to connect to the main meter. In exchange, I agreed that so long as I don’t have my own separate meter, there would be no increase in the rentals. Up to now this is our arrangement: every first week of the month, my tenant pays the rent with my electric consumption deducted from it. No receipts exchange between us. “ Kaliwaan lang.”,as they say.
The problem started last Dec. 2012 when Meralco began paying out interest earned from Bill Deposits to its registered customers. Interest earned from my bill deposit for 15 years amounted to ₱6,256.90 . This amount, however, was not paid in cash by Meralco to its customers but instead offsetted the amount from the electrical consumption of its customers. My interest payout was offsetted in the bills for the months Dec. 2012, Jan. and Feb. 2013. In short, my tenant had a free electricity bonanza for three months in that amount which shouldn’t be since the amount should be credited to me alone because it was interest earned from my bill deposit and does not have anything to do with the electric consumption nor anything about my tenant.
I have raised this issue with my tenant but have refused to credit the amount to me. I have also approached Meralco but they say my tenant and I should settle this. Pls. advise me. Thanks.