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question regarding estafa case

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1question regarding estafa case Empty question regarding estafa case Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:03 am


Arresto Menor

hi, i have a question regarding an estafa case wanting to be filed against me and was needing your advise,

I have a friend, who wanted to buy some goods but at that time he wanted to he could not due to lack of funds and the said items being overseas, he asked me to cover for it first which i did and that he would pay me back for it before a certain date i needed the money again. Which he did. Now, it turns out that without the proper documentation for the parts, we cannot legally have it/use it in manila. So my friend then suggested i return the money and then deal withthe goods myself which i agreed to because the guy is a good friend of mine. Now, being overseas where i cannot legally work its hard for me to come up with funds to pay it off. But i have all intentions of covering the said amount as soon as my finance permits me to. And im doing everything i legally can to gather funds up to get to him. I understand if he's getting impaptient but now he's threatening to file an estafa case against me. I've never once told him it 'wasnt my problem' nor did i ever show any aggression ann inclination of leaving him high and dry. But all he says now is 'wala akong paki' 'not my problem' 'wag kang magugulat pag uwi mo' so my question basically is, where do i stand? I never ran away with his money. And as soon as he suggested he get the money back instead i agreed and said i would deal with recovering the goods or selling it on myself on my own time. Am i eligible to be filed an 'estafa' case against? Thank you.

2question regarding estafa case Empty Re: question regarding estafa case Thu Mar 21, 2013 7:04 am


Arresto Menor

I should also add that at the moment i am overseas.

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