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Enforcing agreements for farm sale

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1Enforcing agreements for farm sale Empty Enforcing agreements for farm sale Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:37 pm


Arresto Menor

The seller and I agreed to split BIR tax 50/50. After I paid the full amount and gave seller official receipt, they refused to pay their share. Barangay captain unable to help.

Also, after 12 months, seller still hasn't processed DAR and CARP documents, so I cannot transfer Title.

Can I get enforcement some where?

2Enforcing agreements for farm sale Empty Re: Enforcing agreements for farm sale Sun Mar 10, 2013 3:33 am


Reclusion Temporal

do you have proof of your agreement? such as a provision in your deed of sale? specifically, what kind of bir tax? is that capital gains tax or doc stamp tax?

3Enforcing agreements for farm sale Empty Re: Enforcing agreements for farm sale Mon Mar 11, 2013 11:30 am



file a case for specific performance with damages.

4Enforcing agreements for farm sale Empty transfer of title name Thu Aug 08, 2013 6:52 pm


Arresto Menor

hello rchrd.. ano ba tamang processing sa pag transfer ng title lot sa pangalan ko?? nkabili kasi kami ng property at hindi pa namin napa transfer sa pangalan ko. ano ba tamang processo????

5Enforcing agreements for farm sale Empty Re: Enforcing agreements for farm sale Wed Aug 21, 2013 5:57 pm


Reclusion Temporal

pay first the capital gains tax,doc stamp tax to the BIR. you will then be issued a Certificate Authorizing Registration (CAR). Submit it to the Registry of Deeds along with the Deed of sale and you will be issued a new TCT in your name

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