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2 days suspension while on sick leave

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12 days suspension while on sick leave Empty 2 days suspension while on sick leave Fri Jan 11, 2013 4:21 am


Arresto Menor

good day. I'm lee. I'm currently working on a call center. last december 7, i suffered from gastroenteritis. I txted my manager saying i'll be late or worst absent. I was not able to go to work because of severe stomach pain. I failed to txt again or call my manager. she tagged me on awol. december 8, my doctor advise me to rest for 4 days. i texted my manager that my doctor advised me to rest for 4 days. i did not go to work for 4 days. now my manager gave me a 2 days suspension because she said i'm on awol for 2 days. is this legal?can I file a complaint about this?thanks


Reclusion Perpetua

did you present a medical certificate when you came back? If there's a medical certificate.. they shouldn't charge you with awol.


Arresto Menor

yeah i did. I had an admin hearing earlier. they said that they tagged me as AWOL because I did not advise my manager daily.

42 days suspension while on sick leave Empty Re: 2 days suspension while on sick leave Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:30 pm



you can elevate by appealing higher management or you can file a complaint at nlrc to question your suspension

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