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1FORCED to go on LEAVE/Home Empty FORCED to go on LEAVE/Home Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:03 am


Arresto Menor

Hi Lawyer,

please help. i need your advise.
I am Office In Charge[OIC] in a callcenter. I have been team handling for a year now. Last november i had an issue with my team and we had it resolved

but to my surprise, our program head/manager talked to me last week and i was "interviewed" about it. he talked to me after almost two months when the "issue" started and fixed. he talked to me and asked questions about the "issue" and he never told me that i was already being investigated. the talked Happened last december 29 2012 and after that talked with my program manager/head, he asked me to go ON LEAVE and be back January 2, 2013. I had no idea that the reason he asked me to go leave was because an investigation was going on. I was not informed about the reason for my long leave.[i had no leave credits so the leaves were unpaid] I came back to work January 2 and when he saw me at work, HE ASKED me to go home. is this right? i already punched in that night and i was at the office for about 3 hrs. and earlier today, he finally asked me to go back to work and that was the only time he revealed everything. I was up for a promotion from an OIC to a full fledged Team Manager, but that is all gone now. starting tonight i will be back to taking in calls of be back to being an agent.

was it right that he asked me to go on leave withour stating or telling me the reason?
What it right that the HR asked to get back to taking in calls without hearing my side if the story?
after more than 3 years of not taking in calls, agad agad they want me to go back in being an agent.

I was told that the reason for this was because I YELLED at an agent and that agent complained to them. i yelled because of the moment, it was burst of emotion. it's normal when you are in a call center,..

please i need an advise on what shall i do next? i asked our HR manager if i can get fired for the yelling and i was told "that's possible" i feel threatned

2FORCED to go on LEAVE/Home Empty Re: FORCED to go on LEAVE/Home Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:56 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

confused123 wrote:Hi Lawyer,

please help. i need your advise.
I am Office In Charge[OIC] in a callcenter. I have been team handling for a year now. Last november i had an issue with my team and we had it resolved

but to my surprise, our program head/manager talked to me last week and i was "interviewed" about it. he talked to me after almost two months when the "issue" started and fixed. he talked to me and asked questions about the "issue" and he never told me that i was already being investigated. the talked Happened last december 29 2012 and after that talked with my program manager/head, he asked me to go ON LEAVE and be back January 2, 2013. I had no idea that the reason he asked me to go leave was because an investigation was going on. I was not informed about the reason for my long leave.[i had no leave credits so the leaves were unpaid] I came back to work January 2 and when he saw me at work, HE ASKED me to go home. is this right? i already punched in that night and i was at the office for about 3 hrs. and earlier today, he finally asked me to go back to work and that was the only time he revealed everything. I was up for a promotion from an OIC to a full fledged Team Manager, but that is all gone now. starting tonight i will be back to taking in calls of be back to being an agent.

was it right that he asked me to go on leave withour stating or telling me the reason?
What it right that the HR asked to get back to taking in calls without hearing my side if the story?
after more than 3 years of not taking in calls, agad agad they want me to go back in being an agent.

I was told that the reason for this was because I YELLED at an agent and that agent complained to them. i yelled because of the moment, it was burst of emotion. it's normal when you are in a call center,..

please i need an advise on what shall i do next? i asked our HR manager if i can get fired for the yelling and i was told "that's possible" i feel threatned

Read thru your employee handbook and code of conduct.

What does it say about discourtesy/rudeness to other employees?

3FORCED to go on LEAVE/Home Empty Re: FORCED to go on LEAVE/Home Tue Jan 08, 2013 5:09 am


Arresto Menor

hi sir, i read the COC there is a line about being disrespectful but does yelling always equates to be disrespectful? I yelled once to one particular agent but im sure he was not the one who complained.

4FORCED to go on LEAVE/Home Empty Re: FORCED to go on LEAVE/Home Wed Jan 09, 2013 3:08 am


Reclusion Perpetua

confused123 wrote:hi sir, i read the COC there is a line about being disrespectful but does yelling always equates to be disrespectful? I yelled once to one particular agent but im sure he was not the one who complained.

Why yell when you can talk in a calm voice?

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