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Identity Theft?

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1Identity Theft? Empty Identity Theft? Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:43 pm


Arresto Menor

Last March 2010 a leading dsl provider had what they call an email migration scheme which every subscriber was given a common temporary email account password. Noting this I decided to call their help desk and ask to be guided on how to have the the common password changed. Unfortunately an agent led me to a non-secured site and told me to change my password there. I insisted that such a non-secured site might pose a threat. He said otherwise so I eventually entered my email address and temporary password but to my surprise I ended up in a site with a more stern warning that legitimate institutions will not ask for such details, email address and password.I decided not to have my password changed.

Several days after, I received several emails with the same domain used by my dsl provider but to my surprise all emails were tainted with virus. I informed my dsl provider regarding the matter but they said those emails were not actually from them. Up to the present I still receive emails with the same domain as theirs and all are still with viruses.

I've been talking to them for almost two months now but nothing concrete has been made yet. Their supervisor called me up this afternoon telling me that their Human Resources group already made a decision but when I asked for a written details about the decision, I was told that it was confidential and that they can not send me a copy of said report. Am I not entitled to the decision made on my complaint?

I saw on local television a singer complaining also about her email account sending emails to her contacts without her knowledge which ultimately ended with one of her contacts eventually being scammed electronically. This is what I am fearing the most. I may also be sending emails to my contacts without my knowledge.

Does this constitute Identity Theft, if not what? I am pretty sure I was wronged here.
What should my next step be?



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