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Can a minor sell her property?

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1Can a minor sell her property? Empty Can a minor sell her property? Mon Oct 29, 2012 12:15 pm


Arresto Menor

Dear Atty,

My niece inherited a piece of land from her late Grandfather. This land is duly registered under her name. Now her mother wants to sell that piece of land. Accordingly, the mother intends to sell it in order to financially aid the studies of my niece as she is graduating from high school and intends to pursue her studies in Manila.

Actually, the mother has already approached me and was offering that piece of land to me. I am ineterested to purchase the subject land but a friend of mine told me that since my niece is a minor, she is therefore incapable of selling her property.


1. Is is true that my niece is incompetent and not authorized under the law to sell her property?

2. What if she will be represented by her parents, will the sale be considered legal?

Thanks Atty and Godspeed!

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