I am a single mother of two girls. Never married to my kids' biological father. My first born (who is now turning 4) has his biological father's last name,also has his name on the birth certificate, while my second born has my last name.
At the time of birth to my first born, I decided to give my child her biological father's last name. (BIG MISTAKE) He has never been a constant in her life,never gave her support and only came to visit TWICE within after we separated (she's about 13 months old, and I am a month pregnant to our second baby) which I denied to him because I believed that this will only get her confused, because she's too young to understand complicated things like this. And I strongly believe that, technically, he's out of her life.
I am going to marry a wonderful man soon, who helped me raise my daughters, has been their father figure for the last two years and whom they call "dada". I am afraid that they would feel "excluded" or "different" when I already have their Dada's last name. I would like to know what my legal options/procedures I have before we proceed with the petition.
Looking forward to your positive response. Thank you.