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birth certificate issue

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1birth certificate issue Empty birth certificate issue Fri Oct 05, 2012 4:47 pm

Arresto Menor


i really have a big problem regarding my birth certificate and i don't know where and how to start solving it.

let me start it this way..

on my NSO birth certificate, my name is Anna Katrina Alba Sebetero. My mother is Gina Bustillo Alba and father is Felipe Sebetero.

but in reality and biologically, i am Anna Katrina Sebetero Fernandez. my mom is Gina Alba Sebetero and real father is George Francisco Fernandez.

What happened was my mom got mad with my real father (George Fernandez) when i was born. So she ruined my birth certificate. what she did was, instead of putting my real father's name on my birth certificate, she have my uncle's name on it instead (Felipe Sebetero Jr.) and instead of using her real name Gina Alba Sebetero, she named herself as Gina Gustillo Alba. Eventually when they were in good terms, my real parents live together and i used Anna katrina Sebetero Fernandez in school and in my previous employment.

In 2007 when i was 18 years old, i got married and i used a fake birth certificate made in Recto having me named as Anna Katrina Sebetero Fernandez (because nobody realized that i can just go to NSO to get my authenticated Anna Katrina Sebetero birth certificate).

I got married to Daryl Salvador Abella. I gave birth and named our daughter Kharylle Andrea Fernandez Abella. But things didnt work for Daryl and I so we got separated (not legally). We've been separated since december 2008 and he is now living with another woman and have a child of their own.

Since then, because of bitterness i got my NSO birth certificate Anna Katrina Alba Sebetero and used that in all my legal documents (such as NBI clearance, SSS id, Philhealth, TIN id and for my current employment as well. I stated myself as "Single" on all my transactions.

I know that's kind of a rollercoaster but i guess my questions are...

1)Is our marriage void because i used a false document when we got married?
2)what name should our daughter used if a]i will stick to my NSO name which is Anna katrina Alba Sebetero or
b] if i will continue to use my biological name Anna Katrina Sebetero Fernandez?
3]if marriage is not void, how will i be able to fix my birth certificate to make things right but stay "Single" at the same time?
4]will that be possible?

i know this is super complicated but im hoping that there's still a way to resolve this. i dont wanna be on a married status after all this time.. So please...HELP ME.

thanks and more power!


2birth certificate issue Empty Re: birth certificate issue Sat Oct 06, 2012 2:17 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

1) yes
2) a
3) it is void from the beginning, so no need to fix anything
4) yes it is possible, since you falsify your name to your marriage you are not married to him technically. he just need to appeal for the marriage cert to be null and void, if he wish to marry his new partner.

3birth certificate issue Empty Re: birth certificate issue Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:44 am

Arresto Menor

@ prison correcional

hi! thanks for the reply..

now since my daughter is using Kharylle Andrea Fernandez Abella, should i fix her birth certificate so that she can use my Sebetero last name?

Di ko kasi xa mailagay as beneficiary sa mga transactions ko kasi magkaiba kmi ng last name.. panu po kaya un?

kailangan ko pa bang ipaayos ung original kong birth cert na Anna Katrina Alba Sebetero para maging Anna Katrina Sebetero Fernandez?


No need na? mag-stick na lang ba ko sa Anna Katrina Alba Sebetero?

4birth certificate issue Empty Re: birth certificate issue Thu Oct 11, 2012 9:48 am

Arresto Menor

paano po ung procedure ng nullity of marriage?

5birth certificate issue Empty Re: birth certificate issue Sat Oct 13, 2012 6:45 pm



imo, in spite of the irregularities, i believe your marriage to be valid.

6birth certificate issue Empty Re: birth certificate issue Fri Nov 30, 2012 7:41 am


Arresto Menor

Hi po,
May problem po aq sa birth certificate ko. Bale dalawang beses po ako pinaregister bg parents ko with different birth place. Yung first, VALENCIA ang birth place ko. Ang sa delayed naman ay CABANGLASAN. Ngayun ko lang po to nalaman. CABANGLASAN din po ang nakalagay ngayun sa passport ko dahil nabigyan po ako ng NSO ng SECPA paper sa delayed birth ko nung first time ko kumuha ng birth. 
Ngayon po, ayaw na po nila aq bigyan ng delayed birth ko dahil yong first daw po talaga ang valid. Sabi ng DFA ipa.cancel daw po muna ang delayed bago nila i.renew ang passport at palitan ng valencia ang passport ko. Anu po gagawin ko? Gaano po katagal ang proseso? At mgkano po ang magagastos?
Pwede po ba na humingi ng note o affidavit sa abogado na on-going pa ang kaso pra yun po ang ipakita ko sa DFA para po mapalitan ang passport ko?
Please po kailangan ko po advice nyo. I'm so down and lost dahil dito since malapit na po visa interview ko. Sad

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