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Lapse of Contract

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1Lapse of Contract Empty Lapse of Contract Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:05 am


Arresto Menor

i am employed as contractual contract will end sa Oct. 1. pero wala pong notice till now. ang alam ko po sa contractual.. after ng contract may cetain period po before irecontract ng company. Yung company ko po kasi dire-diretso lahat ng contractuals nila. Anu po ba rationale kung bakit may period in between?? and ano po ang dapat namin idemand sa company kapag hindi nila kami binigyan ng break after contract? For regularization na po ba dapat pag ganun?

2Lapse of Contract Empty Re: Lapse of Contract Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:57 am


Reclusion Perpetua

You still can not demand for regularization because you are contracted employee.If you're on a probationary status then you're automatically regular after 6months period.

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