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Separation Pay

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1Separation Pay Empty Separation Pay Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:03 am


Arresto Menor

I worked in a BPO company which is the world's biggest call center for 7 and half years. I resigned last Jun 2012. Can I demand for a separation pay that is; current salary x no. of yeard rendered?
Please advise. Thanks.

2Separation Pay Empty Re: Separation Pay Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:52 am


Arresto Mayor

wala namang batas na nagsasabing mandatory and separation pay, depende yan sa kumpanya, and sometimes CBA kung may union. hanggang 13mos lang ang coverage ng labor code.

and you resigned, that means hindi ka entitled. separation pay usually applies sa mga natanggal for valid reason (like loss of business, lugi kumpanya, etc)

to give you example, innodata closed shops in 2002, all 3000+ regular employees were giver separation pay, calculatio nwas based on the CBA ng union at innodata.

PAL is another story, tinanggal mga empleyado kasi nagwelga habang bumabagyo, daming international passenger ang na stranded, nasira pangalan ng pinas. so terminated lahat ng empleyado, and they're battling it out on court. last offer ng PAL aside from 1mos/yr is libreng sakay sa eroplano all the time including familiy members, anywhere in the world.

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