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termination advise

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1termination advise Empty termination advise Tue Jul 10, 2012 5:37 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello. I am previously a call center agent here in Clark, Pampanga. I was terminated on June 15 2012 due to attendance issue. In March 2012, I underwent a company due process due to my attendance. The company gave me a consideration to still continue my employment with them however we agreed that I should not occur any absents or late for 6 months. There was however, an incident in May 2012 wherein I accidentally sat down a cat poop in our company, while I was on break, and I was smelling. I then ask for permission from my manager to go home and change clothes. That was 10:30PM. We agreed that I should be back in the office at 12:30AM. Our company offers shuttle service to employees however I only take the services when going home. I was at the shuttle area at 11:45PM until 1:00AM waiting for the shuttle. I was not aware that no shuttle services are available at that period. The shuttle driver told me the location of the services and said that there would be services at 12AM. I decided to go home and wrote a written explanation the following day. I was not bring my cellphone at that time to contact our office. After a week, from that incident, I underwent another due process where I defended the incident explaining to them that no shuttle services were available wherein the shuttle driver told me that there would be. On June 15, 2012, I was then served a termination notice effective that day. I would like to ask if this incident was legal and would also like to ask what benefits should I be receiving on my last pay which they said would be 6 - 8 weeks from the termination day.
Thank you so much for patiently reading this. I just would like to be clarified.
Thanks again and more power.

2termination advise Empty Re: termination advise Thu Jul 12, 2012 6:23 am



in my opinion, you have an arguable case for illegal termination. 6 months of zero lates and absences is difficult enough and it seems there were external circumstances leading to your last infraction.

3termination advise Empty Re: termination advise Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:09 pm


Arresto Menor

i understand. I was really thinking that it was an illegal termination since it was not my fault actually that i was not able to get back to work as what we have agreed.
if i may ask, can i file a case/ complain and can i report this matter to a specific govt sector?
thanks again for enlightening us.

4termination advise Empty Re: termination advise Mon Jul 16, 2012 8:35 pm


Arresto Menor

haha which center? nco, iqor, sutherland, ivoline or ups? I'm guessing it's nco?

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