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Problem with family land

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1Problem with family land Empty Problem with family land Tue Jun 26, 2012 2:19 pm


Arresto Menor

Hello. Here the problem we have with a property we sold.
We own a island property and we sold it 7 years ago to a forein man. We made a written agreement what he signed and we did. The agreement was never notarised or signed by any philippino. He payed the amount we agreed on, and said his lawyer will do the deed of sell. Now comes that the lawyer never came or contacted us for the said paper work what we been waiting for to sign and trasfer all to the forein guys company. We keeped paying the care taker on the propperty, we still pay the tax and other expences cause the land paper are still in our name. We been renovating the caretakers house and boat few times now since 7 years is quite a long time. The foreiner never even contacted us anymore. Before we agreed on that we will watch the island untill he takes over and he will reinverse us the expences we had till then. Sad to say we did that agreement only verbal and not in writing. Now after 7 years the lawyer contacted us and wants that we sign the deed of sell without any settlement of our expences. We of cause refused that because our
spending the hole time was quite a lot at the end then.
What is the legal advise on that? Thanks

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