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annulment grounds

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1annulment grounds Empty annulment grounds Sat Jun 16, 2012 9:35 pm


Arresto Menor

i would like to annul my marriage.. we got married last 2009 here in dubai consulate.. after a year, he got problems with his employer and one full year he does not have work..he was not able to give any financial support to me as wife but i found out that he is finding ways to get some money and send it to his family in philippines.. then he got into many financial problems about banks.. he got imprisoned for 3 months because of his debts which i was not aware he has when we got married..i was so miserable because i almost went to all and every police stations here in uae because of him.. i am the only one supporting for us to survive.. after that, he said he dont have anymore liabilities, then i found out again that banks still are looking for him for unsettled payments.. i was actually pregnant that time.. then when i delivered last march, he wasnt able to provide for me and my child any financial support for my until now, im the only one who is supporting for our living.. is there any ground for annulment in my situation.. i would like to void the marriage and get the custody of my 3 month old daughter..currently, we are still living together but not sleeping together.. since i gave birth, we never had sex because im really not feeling our relationship is working out.. then if i will not agree to make love with him,he is telling me, im not doing with him because i am doing it with other guy.. which he doesnot even have any proof and i am not having any other affair..until now he cannot provide anything for us.. and i cannot bare the fact that i will be the only one who will work hard to feed him instead of he should be the one who is responsible for us.. please give me advice.. is there any grounds for annulment on my case? and is there any chance il win the case if ever? and how i will start or steps for annulment.. please help me..

2annulment grounds Empty Re: annulment grounds Mon Jun 18, 2012 7:56 pm


Reclusion Perpetua

you can have your marriage annulled based on psychological incapacity which basically means that one or both are unable to perform the marital obligations (to support each other financially and emotionally)

you have to consult your lawyer to do this. file the petition in the family court where you reside here in the philippines. if you are unable to stay in the philippines until the petition is heard and completed, you can just be here for the collusion hearing, pre-trial and witness' testimony. some courts allow advance testimony too.

another (and perhaps faster option) is for you to check the annulment of marriage procedure in dubai. im not so familiar with it but it is easier to process it there. be careful though. it depends really on your stay status there.

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