"Considering that the issue raised herein concerned the proper collection and disbursement of school fees of public school, the matter falls within the ambit of jurisdiction of the Dept. of Education. Pending any ruling or finding from the Deped anent the issue of whether the collection of fees and the manner of disbursement herein is consistent or not with the Magna Carta for teachers, this office finds it appropriate to dismiss provisionally the instant complaint without prejudice to re-filing if later Deped finds the acts of the respondent violative of the Magna Carta for Teachers"
"Wherefore, in view of the foregoing, the complaint filed against respondents XXXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXX, for violation of Section 3(e) of RA 3019, as amended is hereby Provisionally DISMISSED without prejudice to refiling.
"WHEREFORE, in view of the foregoing, the complaint filed against respondents XXXXXXXX and XXXXXXXXX, for Misconduct is hereby REFERRED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION for appropriate action.
My questions are: 1. what does Provisionally
Dismissed without prejudice to refiling and the 2 orders meant? 2. The subject my my complaint is from the year 2004 to 2007. They have repeated the same act last year, can I file another comnplaint?