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Can I file a case in the Philippines even if I am abroad? I need a lawyer who can facilitate everything for me...

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Arresto Menor

I am desperately seeking for your advice regarding my problem. My former friend is obsessed with me, simillar to fatal attraction. Five years ago she was confined at the basement of Makati Med for mental illness but was immediatelty discharged by her family after 2 weeks because they couldn't afford the costs anymore. When she got out of the hospital she was a totally different person, violent and mad with the whole world. Since then I started to stay away from her coz our friendship wasn't healthy anymore. She would call me in the middle of the night and accuse me of things that I didn't do and would fight with me for absolutely no reason at all. In short, I've had enough, I shouldn't be miserable just because she is miserable. I blocked her in facebook and totally stopped communicating with her. 5 years after, I married and I am now living abroad in Europe. I posted some pictures in Facebook about our wedding here in Europe and basically my pictures showed that I was living a happy life. For some reason, these pictures reached her and she got so mad and this is when she started stalking me. First she added me in facebook using her 8 year old sons account. So i thought it's no harm to add his son in Facebook only to find out that it was really her who is using it. Next thing I know is she was using my pictures as her profile pictures and she was pretending to be me. Some common friends informed me, so I wrote to Facebook to have the account disabled. After many follow ups facebook disabled the account. This made her even more mad so she wrote to every single person that we both know and told them that I was the one who was immitating her and I stole her identity and those sort of crazy stuff. Her words were that I even hired people to look like her just to steal her identity. That i stole her cellphone and called people etc. etc. ofcourse it's absurd and I thought I would just let her do her thing coz nobody would believe her anyway. I ignored her and a few months later her obsession with me has gone even bigger. She went to our family home in the Philippines and made a scene there. My sister was there and my sister called the police and made a blotter. The police couldn't get any logical reason why she was making a scene in our house so in the end they just let her go home but she is now banned from our village. Then just yesterday I found out that she's been scattering pictures of me everywher posting it as if I am wanted. She doesn't believe that I am abroad she thinks I am in the Philippines and hiding coz I am guilty of something that I did to her. Ofcourse that is false but she's crazy! Then one of my friends saw a post in their village bulletin board, a poster with my pictures and that I stole her cellphone etc etc and that if anybody sees me they should contact her. I tried to talk with her and send a message in her facebook account I even tried to skype with her but she doesn't want to. It's like she enjoys to play the role of being a victim and continue with her made up stories. I tried my best to contact her but she would refuse and yet tell everybody that i am hiding from her, to the point that she would even post WANTED posters with my pictures everywhere... So now I don't know what to do... I read something in the internet about a restraining order but that was a US forum. I'm not sure if that is applicable in the Philippines. I desperately need your advice, what should I do? How can I make her stop? She has to be in the mental hospital but her family refuses to put her in coz they dont want to spend for her. They have to do that. This person is ruining my life! What should I do? I couldn'ty file a case against her coz she's crazy so should I file a case against her Aunts, father or husband? Her mother is also crazy btw it somehow runs in the blood so I cant file a case against her mother. My problem is I don't have any family left in the Philippines, the only one left is my sister but she's leaving for the US soon. I have relatives in Bicol but I don't want to drag them into this. I hope it is possible to file a case even if I am not in the Philippines and if there is a lawyer our law office out ther who can facilitate such a case. Also, how much would such a case cost? Please PM me your contact information so I can call you. I've never filed a case before.. I really have no clue.. please please please help me Sad i'm begging..



send me an email at attylllaw @

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