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Child Labor

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1Child Labor Empty Child Labor Fri May 18, 2012 3:06 pm


Arresto Menor

I would like to seek your help / advise in this case. Use of workers below the legal age of employment or Code Provision of 15. A company has hired a number of casual employees for a day to clean up a certain area. They shall be paid by result or "pakyawan" in short. Included in the hired employees was a teenage of 14 years old. Her mom is working as a security guard in the same company and maybe just for additional income, she sent her son to work for that day.

Please advise if we have violated anything here. Since this was pakyawan basis, management was not able to review each of the casual employee's record anymore so management was not aware that a child was also part of the casual employees they got to clean the area.

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