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I received a notice of Legal Action / possible breach of contract

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Arresto Menor


i have received a letter from a certain company pertaining to my Training Service Agreement (TSA) in the said company.

In my TSA, i was supposed to receive several training for a certain duration. afterwhich, i should render service to the company for a certain duration. A memo also exists pertaining to the supposedly salary that I should be receiving depending on my position (memo only, actual amount not stated in the contract).

The problem is that i was not given the training which i should have received as the program suggested (i received some training as stated in the program but majority was not given). Also, i did not receive the proper amount of pay which was stated in the memo... thus i resigned. we had several meetings but they kept on saying that the amount isnt fix and that it could vary but the problem is in our JO they said that it was fix except for the latter part of the program which i am not there yet.

now the company sent me a letter that i should pay this amount as stated in the TSA... and they await my reply as to how i would intent to settle this...

can they do this or do i have the right to even make them pay me for their trechery? some help would be appreciated.. thanks

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