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utang sa singapore

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1utang sa singapore Empty utang sa singapore Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:19 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, I just needed to ask hopefully you can help me. I went to singapore march and I started working there and was able to get a loan from 2 banks. One bank is OCBC, i have loan and 3 credit cards from OCBC. The problem is I was only able to pay for I think 4 or 5 0r 6 times in a row for OCBC, I went to singapore with my husband unfortunately his working pass is not approved by their ministry of labor, so we decided to take another loan from UOB which is my 2nd bank, I was only able to pay them I think once or twice and then nothing follow. During September we came here as tourist and tried to find job in abu dhabi but I wasn't expecting that their offer is very lees than what Im earning in SG. So the problem started from there, I couldn't afford to pay my debts until now and they started to send me email & call me to ask when do I will settle because the acct. is closed. I am trying to negotiate but they are asking 10% or 15% if im not making a mistake as an upfront fee and after I pay it I can do monthly installment again.The thing is I cannot afford to pay the initial upfront fee right away, they wouldn't agree on it, both banks is demanding me to pay the said upfront fees. I informed them I am only earning very less so I cannot afford to pay right away the upfront fee, I told them I am willing to pay slowly till I complete the full amount. SOme guy send me email that they are acting on behalf of the bank and that if I will not pay they will do legal proceeding for me. Im scared if they will hire some third party here in abu dhabi & might cause me trouble here. Totally I owe one bank 14,600 singapore dollar, and the other bank 7,300 singapore dollar. If I will just pay any amount that I can afford until I settle the full amount from both banks you think its possible? Are they going to get a third party here from abu dhabi to sue me or anything? I didnt issue any checks at all by the way. But before I asked to temporarily increase my credit limit and they granted but its only 1000 singapore dollar extra. So thats it, hope I can find a serious answer here.

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