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Entitlement to backwages and tax returns despite dismissal of case

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Arresto Menor


Good day.

I have a labor-related question and I am in dire need of enlightenment.

I received the decision letter from the labor arbiter today, April 11, 2012.

The decision states:

Wherefore, premises considered, judgment is hereby rendered DISMISSING the Complaint for lack of merit.

The first page states:

This is a complaint for alleged constructive dismissal with claims for moral and exemplary damages and attorney's fees filed by ....

Part of SECTION 18. CONTENTS OF DECISIONS. of the Labor Law States that (e) specific remedy or relief granted should be stated in the contents of the decision.

However, I find the decision stated by the arbiter, incomplete.

Here's my dilemma and question (based on the decision stated by the labor arbiter):

1. If I am no longer planning and wanting to file for appeal, is it still possible for me to get my backwages including tax returns? - To my knowledge, this is mandated by law and nobody should be deprived from getting such as these (backwages and tax returns) are hard-earned money by the complainant and is not a monetary claim to be granted out of a favorable decision from an arbiter.

1-a. If yes, how will I be able to get it?
1-b. Should I go to the company and do my clearance with them? (My employment has already been terminated by the employer due to the case I filed
1-c. Or, should I talk to their lawyer about the backwages and tax returns?

Thanks in advance!

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