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Child Surname and Legitimacy for unmarried parents

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Arresto Menor

Hi, hope someone can help me with my question. I am living with my partner for almost 8 years now. And now she is pregnant with twin babies. My questions are:

1. Are the babies going to be legitimate or iligitimate?
2. Will they have full name as with normal babies with FIRST NAME, MI(mother's surnmae), LAST NAME(my surname)
3. What will be the difference of being legitimate and iligitimate in our society? (if there are any)

Sorry for too many questions

Thanks in advance.



1) illegitimate if you are not married
2) yes, if you sign the birth cert

there is still a social stigma but not as terrible as before. if you later get married, the will be legitimated. if you later split up and marry someone else and have kids, the illegit kids will inherit only 1/2 as to the legit kids.

3Child Surname and Legitimacy for unmarried parents Empty acknowledgement of paternity Tue May 08, 2012 10:02 pm


Arresto Menor

hi my brother is in singapore and her girlfriend gave birth to their 1st born last april but could not come home to sign the birth question are:

-what can we do so that the child will have my brother's last name?
-they said he can submit an acknowledgement of paternity, what format shall we follow?
-is it okay to just late register the child?(the father will be going home on december)


Arresto Menor

what will happen if my father and mother is not married and i am carrying my father's surname? what will be it's effect on all my legal documents?



francesca, if your father signed your birth certificate, that is perfectly fine. if not, it still is fine. you have to use the name stated on your birth cert.

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