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Bought condo no license to sell

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1Bought condo no license to sell Empty Bought condo no license to sell Thu Feb 16, 2012 7:00 pm


Arresto Menor

Good day po. I hope you can help me as I don't know any lawyer. I am amortizing and living in a condo unit. I recently found out directly from HLURB that the developer has no license to sell units at our village and that HLURB has repeatedly issued it (which it has also repeatedly ignored) a Cease and Desist Order that prohibits it from selling and collecting payments for units at our village. I also found out that someone is claiming ownership of the land on which the village stands and has filed a case in court. Could I demand that the developer refund all my payments (and with interest?) plus reimburse me for my renovation expenses for my unit before I moved in, so that I can move out soonest? If yes po, how long do you think that could take?

Thank you very much and more power to you.

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