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Need Advice

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1Need Advice Empty Need Advice Tue Jan 24, 2012 12:11 pm


Arresto Menor

Last Dec.7, 2011 I was issued an NTE for NCNS dated Dec.5, 2011, with a possible sanction of formal warning, and first offense. I explained my side in writing, signed the NTE, and submitted the NTE to my supervisor on the same day. The DA (disciplinary action) was signed on Dec.20, 2011, but I was only furnished a copy on Jan.24, 2012.

I received another NTE on Jan.9 for NCNS dated Dec.26, 2011. I noticed that the possible sanction was formal warning, and first offense. I took it that my supervisor became considerate or that since the NTE was being issued on a new fiscal year that's why the sanction and offense were similar to any first NCNS offense.

On Jan.20, I completed the NTE, signed it, and submitted it to my supervisor. Since I work on a different shift, I put the form in an envelope and asked my co-worker to submit it for me. This was around 10PM. On the same day, at 11:11PM, my supervisor emailed me that he is giving me another IR for the same offense (NCNS) because he used the wrong form in the 2nd NTE (dated Jan.9). The forms are the same but the sanction and level of offense are now different. I believe he is deliberately trying to get me to sign a seemingly similar NTE.

What is your recommended action on this? I don't think I should be held accountable for my supervisor's negligence when he filed a wrong NTE -- or form, as he claims.

Additional info -- I have been with the program for almost two years with an average attendance of 99.9%. A new supervisor comes in and he issues NCNS for the two dates -- no consideration for me complying with the rules during his 5 months' tenure (starting August 2010).

2Need Advice Empty Re: Need Advice Fri Jan 27, 2012 8:21 pm



don't focus on the supervisor. the question here is whether you really committed the infraction. if so, explain the reasons why.

however, my stand here is the gravity given to ncns. 2 incidents to me should not justify termination.

3Need Advice Empty Re: Need Advice Fri Feb 03, 2012 1:19 pm


Arresto Menor

Hi, I need your advice on this. My co-employee denies that he received the cash advance from me, the receiving copy is missing. But last Feb,2011, he told our manager that he received the money, but after a few months, he denied it again. But the reports he submits to us reflects that he is accounting the said amount.

4Need Advice Empty Re: Need Advice Sat Feb 04, 2012 3:06 pm



what is your question?

5Need Advice Empty URGENT HELP Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:30 pm


Arresto Menor

Good afternoon, i would like to seek an advice related to this.
I was assigned as a Care Coordinator in one of the health card company. What happened was i usually send an email blast regarding a feedback from our patient's after they were confined at the hospital to verify their opinion and feedbacks on our health service. Accidentally, i send an email thru CC: instead of BCC: on of the member REPLY TO ALL, resulting that everyone on the email thread read her comment that is not GOOD FEEDBACK. I was sanction for a memo already by my superiors. This is the first time that happened to me. I was worried that they should instead file a written warning instead of a MEMO. Am i liable to this? hope you could help me. I already accept my accidental mistake.

6Need Advice Empty Re: Need Advice Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:52 pm



there was negligence so a written warning with nothing more seems proper

7Need Advice Empty Re: Need Advice Sat Feb 18, 2012 12:03 pm


Arresto Menor

hi our manager asked me to submit an incident report, so I did. On the report that I submitted I told the time, but I'm not sure of it, pwede ko bang bawiin yung statement ko na yun kasi biglaan yung pagsabi nila n i need to do an incident report and 7 months had passed, di na talaga clear sa akin yung exact time. But I'm sure of the date. Next week they will submit the report to legal and they want me to sign the report. Pwede ko bang hindi pirmahan yun and change my report now that I have think of several times on how I gave the money?

8Need Advice Empty Re: Need Advice Thu Feb 23, 2012 10:12 pm



don't wait, inform them asap

9Need Advice Empty Re: Need Advice Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:11 pm


Arresto Menor

Is it ok if I don't sign the report?

10Need Advice Empty Re: Need Advice Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:44 pm



sure, but you are still deemed to have received a copy

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