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3rd party debt collectors

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13rd party debt collectors Empty 3rd party debt collectors Sat Jul 04, 2009 10:44 am


Arresto Menor

I am being sued by 2 separate 3rd party debt collectors,(not the original owner of the original debt) I intend to represent myself.
In answering the civil summons, who do I send my response to, the county court house from where it came or the lawyer that filed the suit, or both? Can a 3rd party collector file a law suit against me in a county that I don’t live in?

Thank you!

23rd party debt collectors Empty Re: 3rd party debt collectors Tue Jul 07, 2009 2:46 pm



I am not aware of the laws and rules of procedure of your country.

But just to give you an idea..

Here in the Philippines, the defendant / respondent's Answer must be served personally or by registered mail to the plaintiff / complainant / petitioner before the Answer is filed with the court.

With respect to venue, the general rule is that the plaintiff / complainant / petitioner may file the case at the court of the place where he resides or the court of the place where the defendant / respondent resides, at the option of the plaintiff / complainant / petitioner.

You should verify with the rules of procedure of your country / state.

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