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third party

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1third party Empty third party Fri Aug 12, 2016 7:10 am

Arresto Menor

Hi, I need your help,
i had an affair with an AFP officer and had a child with him, but then we parted ways just before my son was born as i have learned he had another affair other than me and his wife, I filed a complaint against him coz he did not support our son from the day he was born. the kid is two years old now. We had an agreement but he never compelled to it. now i have learned he is about to retire and is leaving the service by December. I want to file Immorality case against him, but would this bounce to me? i have already broke up with him two years ago- i want to file it as because his been lying to us his son, saying he will go abroad and does no want to be contacted only to find out that he is retiring from his job. If i didn't check it he might have already gone somewhere without any support- i've refile the case but i want to take further

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