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fraudulent, deceitful transaction

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1fraudulent, deceitful transaction Empty fraudulent, deceitful transaction Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:38 pm


Arresto Menor

advice please.

my sister "unknowingly signed a life insurance". she is in her early 20s and signed a life insurance to pay P1,700+ a month til she is 65 years old / or dead.

it was charged in my credit card where she has a supplementary account.

the moment i questioned the first charged of the insurance company, they already charged the second one.

i asked for the cancellation of the credit card number my sister is using. i talked to the agent and asked to cancel the account. im awaiting the cancellation certificate. then i will file a dispute in the credit card company that it was fraudulent, deceitful transaction.

i need help. what else can i do? did you encounter the same problem?
advice pls. thanks..

2fraudulent, deceitful transaction Empty Re: fraudulent, deceitful transaction Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:25 pm



What do you mean when you said that your sister 'UNKNOWINGLY" signed a life insurance? I suspect that you are referring to those pesky insurance agents at malls.

You did the right thing by asking for the cancellation of the supplementary card. That way, the insurance company can no longer charge further premiums against your sister's credit card. However, I am not sure if the credit card company will act favorably on your dispute (for a refund of the premiums charged) especially if your sister signed the credit card transaction as premium payments to the insurance company. Unless of course you are able to convince the credit card company that the transaction is indeed fraudulent.

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