My father is a principal, women show interest to my dad including the one who file a case against him.The woman is around 25 years old and bedded diff men (has children), my dad is very generous when it comes to money the woman keeps on asking for some money or some treat. Then last night he was invited to go to her house and drink some beer. They had a chat and people in our area shout at my dad not enter the house. The girl provoke my dad and initiated to touch him and invite to come to her room. People said that my dad didn't stay that long. Maybe less than 10 mins or so...
I was wondering if what they did to my father is legal he was detained. They went to my dad's house and kick the door until they broke it. My dad's partner taken some photos and video of those police but they forced her to give her cp and deleted those evidences. Until now the girl doesn't want to undergo any medical check up. I want those police to be in jail and my dad to file a counter affidavit. The woman who file case would like to have a settlement and wishes to get some money which my dad doesn't want to approve. He said his conscience is clean and he is will to fight. My we are concern on my dad's reputation.
Please help. Thanks